I have been working as a teacher and lecturer of Culture, Communication and Media Studies at various universities since 2006.
My main areas of research:
- Interculturality, intercultural communication
- Conflict Mediation
- Research into stereotypes and intercultural perception
- Constructivist media theory
- National and cultural identity
- Romanic culture studies (France, Francophone communities, Spain, Latin America, Italy)
Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in hosting one of the above-mentioned seminars at your institution
Past Seminars
- Diversity & Mediation, Master International Conflict Management, ASH, Berlin 2013, 2014
- Mediation & Negotiation Techniques, Master International Conflict Management, ASH Berlin, 2013, 2014
- Practicing Intercultural Mediation, Martin Luther University of Halle 2011
- Intercultural Mediation, University of Passau 2011
- Introduction to Intercultural Mediation, Intercultural Summer Academy, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena 2009 & 2010.
- Mediating between European Cultures, University of Passau 2010
- One Country, Two Cultures? German-German Media Views on East, West and Unified Germany, University of Passau 2009/2010.
- Conflicts and Media – Conflict Portrayal in the Media, University of Passau 2009
- Perceptions of the Other in International Reporting, University of Passau 2008/2009
- Cultural Differences and the Images in our Minds, Theakademie – International School of Dramatic Arts Berlin, 2008 & 2009
- Culture and Advertisement, University of Passau 2008
- Germany Reflected in the Media: Images of the Self and Other, University of Passau 2007/2008
- Gender and National Stereotypes in the Mass Media, University of Passau 2007
- Stereotypes and Perception Theories, University of Passau 2006/2007
- Aesthetic Communication – An Introduction to Literature and Media Sciences, University of Passau 2005/2006
Please follow these links for further information:
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