Development of a conflict management system for the large-scale international research project Trans-SEC
In 2013 I developed a conflict management system for the international research project Trans-SEC (Innovating pro-poor Strategies to safeguard Food Security using Technology and Knowledge Transfer: A people-centred Approach), jointly financed by BMBF and BMZ.Overview over the research project: >> PDF
Research Project Intercultural Mediation
From 2009 - 2011 I was researching concepts, approaches, possibilities and limits of mediation in an intercultural context as part of an EU-funded research project at interculture/Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.
This two-year research project was jointly financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Society for Work and Business Promotion of Thuringia.
Aims of the two-year research project were:
- The processing and development of established methods and concepts in intercultural mediation.
- The theoretical and empirical re-evaluation of conventional conflict mediation methods for use in an intercultural context.
- The conception of a research based formation as an intercultural mediator, associated with the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. This formation startet in november 2012.
Further information is available here:
Research into Stereotypes and Perception
With reference to European perceptions of Germany and the Germans, my doctoral thesis researched the process of how we perceive foreigners and the relationship between perceiving the Other and the Self, or constructions of the Self.
A revised and abridged version of my dissertation was published as Das Fremde im Spiegel des Selbst. Deutschland seit dem Mauerfall aus Sicht französischer, italienischer und spanischer Deutschlandexperten (The Other Mirrored in the Self. French, Italian and Spanish Experts’ Takes on Germany since the Fall of the Wall), Logos Berlin, 2010.
>> You can order the book here
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